Legalization around the world: for or against?

The issue of marijuana use has been widely discussed worldwide in recent years. Some countries have permissive policies and legalization processes, and in some cases, this is considered the consumption of a dangerous drug.

Following today’s press conference convened by The Minister of Public Security, Gilad Erdan, we decided to serve the community and examine the issue of legalization in various countries around the world.

Check out how the country you’ve been moving to relates to the subject:

country Strong sale Tumor Illuminations
Austria Non-incrimination policy up to 5 grams Invalid Invalid As of January 2016
Australia Legal for medical use only  and scientific and non-incrimination for self-use Invalid Legal for medical and scientific purposes in certain areas it is permissible to grow one plant for self-use
A policy of non-incrimination for self-possession exists in the Australian capital territory and the Northern Territory. Possession is illegal in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, Victoria and Tasmania
Ukraine Non-incrimination up to 5 grams Invalid Non-incriminating up to 10 potted plants  
Uruguay legal legal legal Cannabis is perfectly legal in the country
Azerbaijan Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Italy Non-incrimination Invalid Invalid Possession of a quantity for self-use is considered a lesser offense and the penalty for which is a monetary fine
Indonesia Invalid Invalid Invalid Outlawed in 1927
Iceland Invalid Invalid Invalid Outlawed in 1969
Iran Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Ireland Invalid Invalid Invalid Since 2014, permits for medical purposes have been granted only
Albania Invalid Invalid Invalid The law exists, but is not always enforced and therefore there is a high availability for cannabis in the country
Algeria Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Angola Invalid Invalid Invalid  
England Invalid Invalid Invalid Outlawed in 1928
Estonia Non-incrimination Invalid Invalid Fines can be held for self-use up to 7.5 grams
Afghanistan Invalid Invalid Invalid Outlawed by King Zaheer in 1973
Ecuador Non-incrimination up to 10 grams Invalid Invalid No penalties for self-use were established in the law
Argentina Non-incrimination of quantity for self-use Invalid Invalid  
Usa Illegal on the federal level, but legal in states: Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. In addition, non-criminalization policies in 18 other countries and laws for medical use in 25 other countries Illegal on a federal level, but legal (with a license) in Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington Illegal on a federal level, but legal (with a license) in Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada and Oregon The rules vary from country to country
Ethiopia Invalid Invalid Invalid Prison sentence of up to 6 months for possession
Bulgaria Invalid Invalid Invalid Cannabis is considered a very dangerous drug, along with heroin and cocaine
Bolivia Non-incrimination of quantity for self-use Invalid Invalid The law has not yet determined the quantity for self-use
Bahrain Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Belgium Non-incrimination up to 3 grams Invalid Non-incriminating up to one plant Since 2003, adults are allowed to hold up to 3 grams
Belize Invalid Invalid Invalid In 2016, they began working on a law for non-criminalization for maintenance of up to 10 grams
Belarus Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Bangladesh Invalid Invalid Invalid The sale was banned in 1989
Brazil Invalid Invalid Invalid In 2006, it was decided to provide community service and a warning about the possession of cannabis for self-use
jamaica Non-incrimination Invalid legal In 2015, non-incrimination was approved for up to 50 grams
Guatemala Invalid Invalid Invalid In 2016, a proposal for legalization was rejected
Georgia Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Greenland Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Germany Legal for medical use and for easy consumption Valid if special certificate is given Valid if special certificate is given Legal for minor consumption because it is self-harm and it is not considered a crime in the country
Denmark Invalid Invalid Invalid  
South Africa Invalid Invalid Invalid Outlawed in 1922
India Illegal at the federal level. Valid in some areas Illegal at the federal level. Valid in some areas Illegal at the federal level. Valid in some areas There are government stores scattered across the country where it is legal to purchase the drug
Netherlands Non-incrimination up to 5 grams in the public space and monkey shops Non-incrimination at Monkey Shops Non-incriminating up to 5 potted plants Open policy began in 1976
Hong Kong Invalid Invalid Invalid Considered a dangerous drug
Hungary Invalid Invalid Invalid Considered a very dangerous drug
Honduras Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Vietnam Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Turkey Valid for medical use only Invalid Legal for medical and scientific purposes  
Greece Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Japan Invalid Invalid Invalid Out of the law in 1948
Jordan Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Israel Valid for medical use only Valid for medical use only Invalid As of January 25, 2017
Kuwait Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Laos Invalid Invalid Invalid In some cases, a death sentence will even be given
Lebanon Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Libya Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Luxembourg Non-incrimination Invalid Invalid  
Latvia Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Madagascar Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Malaysia Invalid Invalid Invalid In some cases, a death sentence will even be given
Malta Non-incrimination up to 3.5 g Invalid Invalid  
Egypt Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Macedonia Valid for medical use only Valid for medical use only Invalid In 2016, medical marijuana legalization was approved
Mexico Non-incrimination Invalid Non-incrimination In 2009, the government decided on a quantity for self-consumption of up to 5 grams
Morocco Invalid Invalid Invalid The country has an absolute ban on all types of drugs since 1974 and still, one of the main manufacturers of cannabis
norway Invalid Invalid Invalid Up to 15 grams is considered self-use and the penalty for this is a financial penalty for a first offense
Nigeria Invalid Invalid Invalid  
New Zealand Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Nepal Invalid Invalid Invalid All cannabis licenses were revoked in 1973, and yet the authorities have little interest in enforcing the issue.
Sudan Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Singapore Invalid Invalid Invalid Considered a dangerous drug
Slovenia Non-incrimination Invalid Government approval can be obtained with restrictions on the amount of THC Basically, cannabis is not legal in the country, but for medicinal purposes. Still, we're taking a non-incrimination approach to the issue.
Spain Valid with certain restrictions Legal in some clubs Valid with restrictions There are about 200 clubs in the country where it is legal to buy cannabis
Serbia Invalid Invalid Invalid The penalty ranges from a monetary fine to a prison sentence of up to 3 years
Iraq Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Poland Valid for medical use only Valid for medical use only Invalid  
Portugal Non-incrimination Invalid Non-incrimination In 2001, Portugal became the first country in the world to introduce the non-criminalization of cannabis
Fiji Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Finland Invalid Invalid Invalid Since 2006, special permits for medical use have been granted only
Panama Invalid Invalid Invalid In May 2016, the law regulating the issue expired
Peru Non-incrimination up to 8 grams Invalid Invalid No penalty for possession of up to 8 grams
chile Non-incrimination Legal for medical use legal Since 2014, possession of the quantity for self-use has been permitted
France Invalid Invalid Invalid In 2013, the sale of drugs containing cannabis was permitted
Cuba Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Colombia Legal up to 22 grams Legal for medical and scientific use Legal up to 20 potted plants for self-use. There is no limit on the quantity for medical use Legalization since 1994
Costa Rica Non-incrimination Invalid Non-incrimination  
Kazakhstan Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Cambodia Non-incrimination Non-incrimination Non-incrimination  
Canada Legal for medical use There is regulation in some cities Invalid In April 2016, the Minister of Health decided on legislation on the subject, which will apply in spring 2017
Kenya Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Cyprus Invalid Invalid Non-incrimination for certain farms The sentence ranges from 2-8 years in prison
Croatia Legal for medical use and non-incrimination of quantity for self-use Legal for medical use Invalid Since 2013, possession of a small amount has been considered a minor offense and punishable by a financial penalty
Russia Non-incrimination up to 6 grams Invalid Non-incriminating up to 20 potted plants  
sweden Invalid Invalid Invalid  
Switzerland Non-incrimination Invalid Invalid Since 2012, the government has adopted a policy of non-criminalization for the maintenance of up to 10 grams
Thailand Invalid Invalid Invalid  

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